lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

task 8

0. Download the story collection called '4shortstories'. To do so you need to go to FILES at the top of the page. Click on Files 1 Bilingual. Then click on the file with the name mentioned. Copy the story called 'The Monkey's Foot' and paste it on a new page on your blog. Then, ....
1.Read the story from the beginning right to the end. Underline the words that you don't know.

2.Write a summary of the story in Spanish just as you understood. Use your blog preferably. If you can't use your blog, use your notebook.

3.Read the story again. Try to infer the meaning of the words underlined from the context. Write then down on your blog.

4.Use a dictionary to check that your guess is right

5.Read the story again from the very beginning. Make sure that this time you remember the meaning of the words that you underlined.

6.Write a summary of the story in your own words. Your teacher will tell you how many words it must have.

7.Write a 10 item questionnaire about the content of the story.

8.Make sure you carry out the indications of your teacher. He'll give you a little test to find how much you remember.

                      The Monkey's Foot 

Mr and Mrs White lived in a nice small house. Their son Herbert lived with them. Herbert worked in a factory He worked at a big machine. Mr White worked in an office. Mrs White was a housewife.
There were not many houses near them. "I want a house near the town," said Mr White.
"But it's £400 for a house near the town, and we're not rich." "No,"said Mrs White,"but we're happy here, aren't we, Herbert?" "Yes, but Dad's right," said Herbert. "We're a long way from the shops and the train and the bus."
One day, an old friend came to dinner. His name was Mr Morris. The Whites liked to hear his stories. He talked about many countries. When Mr Morris knocked at the door, Mr White opened it.
"Come in, come in," he said. "Good to see you. How are you? Come and sit by the fire,
"Thank you," said Mr Morris. "How are you, Mrs White, Herbert?"
"Very well, thank you," they said.
"Dinner isn't ready," said Mrs White. "Tell us a story, Mr Morris." "A story about India," said Herbert. "I'm going to India, some day."
Mr Morris said nothing. He had something in his hand.
"What's that, Mr Morris?" said Mrs White.
"This?" said Mr Morris. "It's a monkey's foot "
"A monkey's foot?" said the Whites.
"Yes. Don't touch it."
"Why not?" said Herbert.
Mr Morris looked at the fire.
"Mr Morris, aren't you well?" asked Mrs White.
"Oh yes, thank you," said Mr Morris. "I'm not ill."
"Tell us about the monkey's foot," said Herbert.
"Yes," said Mr Morris. "I had this foot from a man in India. He said...."
"Yes?" said the Whites.
"With this foot you can ask for three things. You can have three wishes."
"How?" said Herbert.
"Take the foot in your hand and say, 'I wish for....'. Then say what you want."
"And you asked for three things?" said Mrs White.
"No." Mr Morris looked at the fire again. "I only asked for one thing," he said. "I had
one wish. I got it."
"A good thing?" asked Herbert.
"No, it was not," said Mr Morns. "No more questions, please. You always have a good big fire here. I'm going to put the monkey's foot on your fire."
"Don't," said Herbert. "Give it to us."
"Why not?"
"Because you are my friends."
"Dinner's ready," said Mrs White.
Mr Morris put the foot on the fire. He went to the table with Mr White. Herbert jumped up and got the foot from the fire. He put it on a little table. Mr Morris did not see it.
After dinner he went home. "Here's the foot," said Herbert. "I'm going to ask for something."
"Don't, Herbert," said Mrs White.
Herbert did not listen to her. "Dad," he said, "you want £400. Wish for £400. Here's the
foot. "
"I want £400," said Mr White. Then he said, "The foot jumped in my hand!"
"Where's the money?" said Herbert. "There's no money here. I'm going to bed."
"Put that thing on the fire," said Mrs White. "I don't like it."
But Mr White put the foot on the table. In the morning, at breakfast, Herbert said,
"No letters today. No £400 for you, Dad."
"I'm happy here without the money," said Mrs White.
Herbert went to his factory. "Back to my machine," he said. Mr White went to his office. Mrs White worked in the house.
When Mr White came home in the evening, he said, "Any money?"
"No," said Mrs White.
"Where's Herbert?" said Mr White.
"He isn't back from the factory," said Mrs White .
Seven o'clock came. Eight o'clock. Herbert wasn't back. "Where is he?" said Mrs White.
Then there was a knock at the door. "Open it," said Mrs White. Mr White opened the door. A man was there. He said, "Mr White? The father of Herbert White?"
"I'm from the factory," said the man.
"Come in."
"Thank you," said the man. He had something in his hand. "This is a letter for you," he said. "A letter from the factory."
"Where's Herbert?" said Mrs White. "Where's my son?"
The man said nothing.
"Is Herbert ill?" said Mr White.
"No," said the man. "Not ill."
"Is he....?"
"He is dead," said the man. "Your son is dead."
"The machine," said the man. "The big machine.... "
"I want to see my son," said Mrs White.
"No," said the man again. "The machine...."
Mrs White said nothing.
"This letter," said the man. "It's from the factory. We want to give you some money."
"£400," said the man.
Mr and Mrs White were in bed. They were not asleep.
"Are you cold, my love?" said Mr White.
"No," she said. "But my boy Herbert is cold tonight. "
Then she said, "Where is it?"
"The foot. The monkey's foot. We have two wishes. I'm going to get the foot."
"No, no,my love."
But she went to the sitting room. "Here it is," she said. "On the little table."
"Please, please, my love, don't," said Mr White.
She said nothing. The monkey's foot was in her hand.
"I want my son back again," she said. The foot jumped in her hand.
"Come back to bed, my love. You're ill," said Mr White. But she listened. Something walked up the road to the house. Something knocked at the door. Again and again, something knocked at the door.
"Open the door!" she said.
"No," said Mr White.
"I'm going to open it," she said. "I'm coming, my boy, I'm coming!"
Mr White looked for the monkey's foot. "Here it is," he said. "I wish my son back in the cemetery”
The foot jumped in his hand. Mrs White opened the door. There was nothing there.

                                     resume in spanish

Trata de un familia que se quejaban de que vivían muy lejos de la ciudad. Un día, vino un viejo amigo suyo que solía contar contar historias a sus hijo y a su esposa. Su hijo le dijo que contara una historia de la india. Entonces el saco de su bolsillo el pie de un mono y dijo que con ese pie podía cumplir 3 deseos y dijo que lo iban a quemar en la hoguera. A la hora de cenar, el marido cogió la pata del mono y la puso sobre la mesa. Cuando ese señor se fue el niño cogió la pata y pidió que tuviera suficiente dinero para comprarse en piso cerca de la ciudad. Como vio que no le aparecía el dinero se fue a la cama. Al día siguiente el niño se fue al trabajo y mas tarde un amigo suyo apareció en la puerta de su casa diciendo que el niño había muerto en la fabrica. Entonces el dinero que le dieron de la fabrica, era el dinero necesario para comprar un piso. Por la noche, su madre estaba tan triste que cogió la pata del mono y pidió que le devolvieran a su hijo. Entonces, alguien toco la puerta y la mujer iba a abrir y su esposo la detuvo pidiendo el ultimo deseo que era que su hijo volviera al cementerio.
                                           resume in english

The story is about a family that lived far from the city. One day, there came an old friend who tells histories to his sons and his wifes. His son said to tell a story from India. Then the bag from his pocket a monkey's foot and said that foot could cumplie 3 wishes and said he would be burned at the stake. At dinner time, the husband grabbed the monkey's paw and put on the table. When that man left the boy lifted his leg and asked that had money enough to buy in floor near the city. As appeared he saw no money went to bed. The next day the boy went to work and later his friend came to the door of his house, saying that the child was dead at the factory. Then the money he got from the factory, was the money to buy a flat. At night, his mother was so sad that the monkey's paw lifted i asked to be returned to her son. Then, touch the door some one and women would open and stopped asking her husband's last wish was that his son returned to the cemetery.

Which was the first dream?
Who gived the leg of monkey?
Where did the boy worked?
 Where did the father worked?
Which was the second dream?
Which was the last dream?
Is this story famous?
Where did the boy died?
 What was the Mrs White job?
 How many wishies can have with the monkey´s foot?


lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Urban Legend


Find a website that deals with urban legends, preferably in English.
Read a few.
Retell the one you liked most.
Write two versions: One in English (your own words). One in Spanish (your own words).
 En español:

Una pandilla de amigos que vivía en un pueblo en Carolina del Norte, estaban de fiesta bebiendo cerveza y contando historias de miedo. Uno de ellos  recordó una historia que le habían contado de pequeño sobre el  cementerio  local. Según la leyenda si te ponías encima de una tumba y clavabas un cuchillo y este se mantenía erguido sobre alguna hendidura de la lápida, una mano lo agarraría y se lo llevaría dentro del ataúd.
Los amigos bromeaban incrédulos y divertidos. Ninguno se creía la historia, aún así ofrecieron 20$ a quien fuera capaz de entrar en el cementerio, se pusiera sobre una tumba y clavara un cuchillo a ver lo que pasaba.
Una de las chicas del grupo envalentonada por las cervezas y con ganas de lograr 20$ se atrevió a intentarlo. Entró en el cementerio saltando la tapia. Fue hasta la tumba, se quedó parada sobre ella, cogió el machete que le habían dado y lo clavó sobre la lápida.

De repente quiso  moverse y le costaba, algo la estaba reteniendo, no podía moverse. Comenzó a chillar, presa del pánico. Gritaba a sus amigos pidiendo socorro, pero sus amigos pensaron estaba de broma así que no hicieron caso.
Al día siguiente se encontró a la chica muerta de un para cardíaco sobre la tumba. Al clavar el cuchillo había atrapado parte del dobladillo de su pantalón vaquero, ella pensó un cadáver la retenía, pedía ayuda y nadie acudía y al final murió de miedo. 

En inglés:

Some of my friends, five of us, cramped ourselves into a small bathroom in my friend Cathryn's House. We ended up saying Bloody Mary (more like chanting it) about 20 times or so for anything to appear. When we did finally see something it started out as a green glow then the darkened portrait of a face became more visible, by that time half of us were screaming so we knocked each other down trying to get out of the bathroom and then I flipped on the light. It was a welcome relief.

Puerto de Málaga


Please, write a full report of your visit to Málaga harbour. Make sure that it relects the following information:

DATE: 30/10/2012
TEACHERS IN CHARGE: Araceli and Miguel (techers of math and english)
The port of malaga is one of the oldest in Spain.
In the port of malaga can dock the largest ship of the world.
La superficie destinada al ataque de los barcos es la superficie maritima.
Se pueden llegar a mover en el puerto 400000 contenedores.
Un noray es una estructura donde se amarran los barcos.
En Málaga, el faro del puerto es conocido como La Farola.
Hay una línia regular diaria de transporte de pasajeros y mercancias desde Málaga a Melilla.

Aula del Mar

Aula del Mar es un museo dedicado al mar, ubicado en la ciudad de Málaga, en España.
El Aula del Mar fue creado en 1989 como un centro de la naturaleza especializado en el medio marino.Actualmente se dedica a la divulgación de la educación ambiental enfocada principalmente a la comunidad educativa realizando, además, investigación y formación en cultivos marinos y su objetivo fundamental es dar a conocer la riqueza.

 Las instalaciones del museo cuentan con 30 acuarioscon un total de 50.000 litros de capacidad, repartidos en cinco salas que ocupan un total de 300 metros cuadrados en los que además se exponen restos de animales marinos de más de 1.000 especies (caparazones, conchas, estructuras oseas...), repartidos en tres salas temáticas: sala de invertebrados marinos, sala de tiburones y rayas, y la sala de los vertebrados marinos (peces, tortugas y cetáceos)

Task 5


INSTRUCTIONS: Find information about Málaga harbour and Aula del Mar. Use photos and write the information on your blog.

El Puerto de Málaga es un puerto marítimo español que se encuentra en la Bahía de Málaga,es un puerto comercial, de pasajeros, de cruceros, deportivo y pesquero. La temperatura media anual es de 19 °C. Con precipitaciones bajas,produciéndose principalmente entre noviembre y marzo. Los vientos reinantes son de velocidad poco elevada en general. La presión media anual es de 760,6 mm.

Task 4

My favourite Film

1. Decide which film you want to tell about.
Lo imposible

2. Write a summary of the story in your own words.

Mary Henry and their three sons begin their winter vacation in Thailand. But on the morning of December 26, while enjoying your vacation at the pool after the celebration of Christmas and Christmas Eve, there was a sutnami As Maria freezes in fear.

Henry tries to catch up with their two children, Simon and Thomas, but the wave hit them too hard. Maria is pushed underwater where it is hit by debris. Finally get outputs. Mary struggles to breathe but then, the eldest son, Luke is just meters from it. Maria and Luke went to the hospital because Maria was very hurt. Henry finds his other two children, and seek by every hospital until he found his wife and his son Lucas.
3. Add a video of the trailer or some photos to illustrate it.

Lo Imposible - Segundo Tráiler Oficial HD

Task 3

Name                       Age                     Nationality                                      Other information
Woo Sung Chung.                                                                      He favorite actor is angelina jolie.
Dayane Leal.                                                                              She favorite actor is Antonio Banderas.
Jonathan Najman.                         Guatemala City.                                       He is computer engineer.
Agnes Tounkara            
Brad Fostsch           
Calum Docherty    18 years old    Glascow in Scotland                 Student at Harvard University
 Hane Lee         20 years old,          Dougleston New York                  Student at Boston Colege
Kevin                                                                                             He favorite actor is angelina jolie.