domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Disfruté viendo la película "lo imposible" porque es una historia real y es muy bonito ver que la familia despues de todo lo que han sufrido se encuentran y son felices.Sin embargo, algunas cosas que no me gustó mucho es que lo que le pasó a sus otros dos hijos y el marido no sale lo que les pasó durante el sutnami.

I enjoyed watching the movie "impossible" because it is a true story and is very nice to see the family after all they have been found and are happy. However, some things that I really liked is that what happened to her other two children and husband out what happened to them during the sutnami

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

Los animales invertebrados


Esponja natural/


Jellyfish-monterey-2003-08.jpg  Medusa/ Chrysaora quinquecirrha  


  Taenia solium


 Ascaris lumbricoides.jpeg  Lombriz intestinal/ Ascaris lumbicoides





Grapevinesnail 01.jpg Caracol/ Helix pomatia


Mytilus galloprovincialis shell.jpg Mejillones/ Mytilus galloprovincialis


Octopus3.jpg Pulpo/ Octopus vulgaris


Vespula germanica Horizontalview Richard Bartz.jpg Avispa/ Vespula sp.


Black scorpion.jpg Escorpión/ Androctonus crassicauda


Maja squinado underside.jpg Centollo / Maja squinado


Escarabajo rinoceronte/ Copris hispanus


 Fromia ghardaqana.jpg Estrella de mar/ Fromia ghardaqana


domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

My end of history is that Saladin and Balian reach an agreement, the two fight and the winner gets jerusalem, Princess Sibylla and the people from there.

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

Watch the two videos below. One is about Formula One. The other is about a similar race called Indycar. What's similar? What's different?

The different is that in the formula 1 the cars and the The circuits are diferents.

domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013

task 13

Love can not be defined in words.
Love is not what we feel, but what we feel without wanting.
 I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.

Historia de amor.

After a tragic day years ago, Beth Carter was left to pick up the pieces and move on with her life. But she hasn't. She's shut herself to the world, and has vowed never to love again.

Matt Taylor is looking for work, but nothing more. His life is complicated enough with three burdens and a difficult past that won't go away. When Matt arrives at Beth's Garden Nursery to ask for a job, he meets its beautiful owner, and over time, finds something he hadn't expected. Surrounded by plants with fancy names, all Matt has to offer is a scarred heart-- that, and homegrown dandelions.

Task 12

The protagonists of my film are the family.
Mary Henry and their three sons begin their winter vacation in Thailand. But on the morning of December 26, there was a sutnami
Henry tries to catch up with their two children, Simon and Thomas, but the wave hit them. Maria is pushed underwater where it is hit by debris. Mary struggles to breathe but then, the eldest son, Luke is just meters from it. Maria and Luke went to the hospital because Maria was very hurt. Henry finds his other two children, and seek by every hospital until he found his wife and his son Lucas.

jueves, 31 de enero de 2013

Domestic Cat 

Cats are very popular pets and there are many different breeds that all vary in size, colour and markings. An average cat reaches a length of 50-60 cm and weighs about 3-5 kg. The fur may be black, white, brown, grey, red, black and white, tabby (striped) or calico.
Cats are very good hunters and use their strong, sharp claws and teeth to grab and hold their prey. In the wild, cats feed on mice, birds and other small animals.


Cats see and hear extremely well. They can see in the dark and hear many sounds that humans are not able to hear. To feel their way round, cats use their whiskers.

Cat Language

Cats say 'meow'. If they feel very comfortable, they purr. If a cat is angry, it wags its tail, lowers its ears, and hisses or growls. Just watch your cat: eyes, ears, tail and body posture tell you a lot about how your cat feels.

Things your cat needs

  • food and water - There are many different sorts of food. Ask your vet or pet shop for assistance. Make sure that your cat always has a bowl of fresh water. Cats never drink where they eat, so put the water bowl at least one metre away from the food bowl.
  • a litter box and litter - Keep the litter box clean or you will soon have some stinky corners in your living room
  • a carrier - You'll have to see the vet from time to time. If you have to transport a cat, always use a carrier.
  • a place to sleep - This can be a fancy cat's bed, the carrier or just an old cushion or blanket.
  • toys - Pet shops have lots of toys for cats, but even rolled-up wads of paper make nice toys. The most important thing is that you take your time to play with your cat.
  • a scratching post - A cat needs to scratch its claws and if you don't have a post, your furniture will suffer.

Please, copy and paste the text below on your blog. 

Then read it and  write 5 comprehension questions in English.

What is cat language?

How many time sleeps the cats?

What eat the domestic cats?

What play need the cats? 

Where live the cats?

jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

task 10

 La historia trata de una una mujer y un hombre que al día siguiente era Navidad no tenían dinero para regalarse nada, Delia solo tenia 1dolar y 87centimos y y Jim vivían en un apartamento viejo y lo único que tenían de valor era el reloj de bolsillo de Jim. Delia estaba llorando en su mesa cuando se le ocurrió una idea, fue a cortarse el pelo y a cambio le dieron 21 dolar para comparle a Jim una cadena de platino para su reloj y el vendió su reloj para poder comparle a ella una orquilla preciosa para que se la pusiera en su pelo largo cuando el la vio a ella y le dio el regalo ella se puso a llorar por cortarse el pelo y cuando el vio la cadena de platino q le había comprado ella se puso a llorar por no tener su reloj.

viernes, 4 de enero de 2013

La Befana

La leyenda dice que la Befana visita a los niños la noche antes de la epifania (6 de enero) llenando los calcetines de los niños con dulces a los que se han portado bien y a los que no se han portado bien le pone carbon dulce de color.